Malaysia Healthcare's Suresh Ponnudurai to tap on Malaysian medical tourism | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Malaysia

Malaysia Healthcare's Suresh Ponnudurai to tap on Malaysian medical tourism

He will be at the 2017 Healthcare Asia Forum in Kuala Lumpur.

Suresh Ponnudurai is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of World of Wellness (WoW), headquartered in Malaysia since 2008. He is also the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of malaysiahealthcare (, the leading platform promoting Malaysia globally as a health care destination since 2003.

He initiated the joint venture of malaysiahealthcare and Patient Practitioners/Marquez Investment LLC from the US, which formed the World of Wellness (WoW). This global platform headquartered in Malaysia, exclusively markets and promotes global destinations for health care services with the patented Personal Health Record (PHR) called the iPHER.

Through his initiatives WoW continues to build partnerships globally with health care providers, businesses, governments to raise the level of health care services for the improvement of mankind.

Suresh Ponnudurai has a Degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, and has lived and worked abroad with more than 15 years of experience
working with multinational companies in the US and companies in Malaysia.

He will be speaking at the Healthcare Asia Forum Kuala Lumpur on May 17 at the Impiana KLCC Hotel.

What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the healthcare industry today? was launched in May 2006 as the platform that promotes and markets Malaysia as the premier health care destination globally We have developed the its brand over the last decade by participating at various conferences. As we are a private sector entity, we facilitate patients from abroad who require our services pre, within and post leveraging on our network of select health care providers. We partner and support MHTC, APHM and MOH Malaysia in making this vision happen.

Can you give us a glimpse of what you will talk about at the Healthcare Asia Forum? 

It will cover three pillars: Services, Technology and now Brick & Mortar 

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