Prince Court Medical Centre's Datuk Dr. Kuljit Singh to speak at the Healthcare Asia Forum | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Malaysia

Prince Court Medical Centre's Datuk Dr. Kuljit Singh to speak at the Healthcare Asia Forum

He will focus on the advantage of digitalisation in managing patient care.

Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh graduated from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India and later completed his Masters in ENT at University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He has been trained in vertigo in Maastricht, Holland, Advance ENT Allergy in Texas, USA, and Endoscopy Otology in La Timone Marseilles, France. Besides these he had a short working stint at the ENT Clinic, John Hopkins, USA.

He has conducted numerous teaching courses in allergy, vertigo and primary care symposiums in ENT through out Malaysia and as an organizing chairman for more then 10 international ENT meetings in Malaysia.

His current interest is in Minimal Invasive Sinus Surgery using balloon sinuplasty and Radio Frequency surgery with international work in United Arab Emirates and
Bangladesh. He also has special interest in cochlear implants.

Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh has been actively participating in the business of Prince Court Medical Centre as he had held the post of Secretary of Medical Dental Advisory
Committee MDAC from 2012-2013, Deputy Chairman MDAC 2014-2015 and now Medical Director since September 2015.

He has been the chairman of Ethics and Research of the hospital from 2007-2015. Besides that he has been Head of ENT Unit since 2010.

Besides contributing clinically and administratively in hospitals, he has been very active in Medical Associations and Professional Societies. He is Past President of the Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologist/Head Neck Surgeons and Past Hon Secretary of the Malaysian Medical Association.

Dr Singh will be speaking at the Healthcare Asia Forum Kuala Lumpur on May 17 at the Impiana KLCC Hotel.

What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the healthcare industry today?

Medical Director of Prince Court Medical Centre since 2015 and prior to that Secretary to the Medical Dental Advisory Committee [MDAC] and then Deputy Chairman of the same [MDAC].

A long history of close relationship with doctors after serving as Hon General Secretary of Malaysian Medical Association [MMA] and several other post in MMA. Also Past President of Malaysian Society of Otorhinolaryngologist and Head Neck Surgeons. Consultant ENT Surgeon in Public Health, Academic Institution and now private practice at different times.

What are your key business philosophies?

Ethical practices with updated knowledge in clinical medicine coupled with clinical risk management is the cornerstone of a good philosophy in a medical bussiness.

Can you give us a glimpse of what you will talk about at the Healthcare Asia Forum?

The experience of working in a total hospital information system enviroment from a point of view of a working clinician. The early difficulties to adopt and change from written documentation to digital technology and reviewing after 10 years the advantage of digitalisation in managing patient care.

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