Malaysia's first one stop rehabilitation centre | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Malaysia's first one stop rehabilitation centre

WQ Park is a Specialised Health and Rehabilitation Centre providing comprehensive treatment for patients of all ages – from infant to elderly. 

WQ Park was established in 2010 by a team of doctors and specialists. Our vision is to be A One Stop Centre which provides all the rehabilitation services and products for the patients’ needs. We pride ourselves in providing personalised and holistic treatment. We are true believers that prevention is better than cure and that is embedded in our treatment approach. We treat our patients with the highest standard of care and commitment to excellence. All of our physicians and therapists are certified and specialised in a range of rehabilitation methods and latest rehabilitative equipments and modalities. We are also the first to introduce The First Robotic Hub in South East Asia, which is a hub that has the full range of robotics equipment for all medical conditions.

WQ Park was launched by HRH His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah in 2010. As Malaysia’s first one stop rehabilitation centre, we pride ourselves as an organisation that nurtures the next generation of allied health professionals through providing a platform for them to grow and learn with us. We have also partnered with local universities and institutions to foster the next generation of healthcare leaders.

“Simply Excellent Care”

A slogan our Founder chose to represent our care and experience at WQ Park. Dato’ Sri Dr Zulkharnain Ismail, our founder is a Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon with almost 30 years experience. He believes that rehabilitation is the important phase of someone’s recovery. Therefore, by establishing “A Healing Park”, he aspires to give hope to improve their quality of life.

WE HAVE TOUCHED 50,000 LIVES & more..

Our patients come from all over the Malaysia and other countries as well. With their trust, we have expanded to three branches within Klang Valley, Malaysia and we aim to provide our services nationwide and internationally in the next few years. Besides that, we value and appreciate each and every one of our staffs at WQ Park. We introduced WQ Perks which are Lifestyle and Wellness benefits. They could go on a holiday with the family or buy the latest gadgets and more. Lastly, they are also granted an extra annual leave on their birthdays.

Our Services

  • Doctor & Specialist Clinic
  • Mind Health Clinic
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Enhanced Learning Programme
  • Early Intervention Programme
  • Tunku Azizah Audiologist
  • Agog Park The School

Our Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Committed
  • Teamwork


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