Malaysia-grown GKL wins Service Innovator of the Year for new app and digitized services | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Malaysia-grown GKL wins Service Innovator of the Year for new app and digitized services

The app was recognised for its health-first offerings in this year’s Healthcare Asia Awards.

In today’s world, almost everything can be controlled with just a few taps on a mobile device.  Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur (GKL) saw this opportunity to improve its healthcare services and decided to implement—not just one, but a couple of new ideas— in its growing list of offered services.

The first is the MYHealth360 app, which was launched in December 2021. This enabled patients to have a more seamless and efficient hospital experience. Patients now spend less time waiting in the hospital for their appointment, with the option of having their appointments set from anywhere.

Along with this, patients are now able to view their medical reports, lab, and radiology reports through the app. Other features include a health tracker and personalized reminders.

The second service is Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE). Launched in November 2021, it improved efficiency in the ordering process and care delivery and decreased errors due to miscommunication and handwriting illegibility.

Adaptation of CPOE in GKL was implemented in the following locations: imaging, lab, rehab, and pharmacy.

Next is its TeleHealth service, which proved useful during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic situation. Called eHealth, it is a value-added service to help international patients who are unable to visit GKL hospitals during the pandemic.

eHealth is an easy-to-use, private, and secure online platform that connects patients to their preferred top specialists from the comfort of their own homes, available via eHealth Chat and eHealth Consult. International patients can have a 30-minute video consultation with their preferred specialist, and the platform serves as an alternative to walk-in appointments.

Its other services are also note-worthy. GKL implemented its local and international medication delivery system, enabling medication to be delivered directly to the patient’s doorstep. It also launched its Grab Porter Service, wherein GKL porters will be notified of any pending document, parcel, or transfer of patients in the hospital.

Also offered was the Life Saviour Chat, a 24-hour hotline that can be accessed through WhatsApp and where patients can leave feedback on any of its services.

For all these innovative implementations, GKL was given the Service Innovation of the Year - Malaysia award in the recently concluded Healthcare Asia Awards.

This year, with its theme of "Recognizing Trailblazing Initiatives in the Healthcare Sector,” the awards programme aims to honour hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact on their patients, especially amidst the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In granting the award, the judging panel took into consideration all the aforementioned improvements in each service that GKL implemented in recent years which helped aid the people of Malaysia during the pandemic.

As of October 2022, the MYHealth360 app had a record of 2,213 downloads, and the company is confident that it will have more positive reviews as it rolls out Phase 2 of the app in the future.

All its other services are likewise continuously offered and improved.

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