Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre bags win at Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre bags win at Healthcare Asia Awards

Its facilities offer improved imaging procedures.

High-quality tertiary healthcare provider Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre (SKSMC) has won the Facilities Improvement Initiative of the Year - Malaysia award at the recently held Healthcare Asia Awards for its imaging facilities in Klang and improved outpatient clinics.

SKSMC’s Radiology department, one of its primary healthcare facilities, provides improved imaging procedures. This includes the recent installation of a new Aquilion Prime SP CT scanner.

The device has several features, such as a fast scan time, as well as a high contrast resolution that allows for better evaluation. SKSMC's medical professionals are able to utilise technology to simplify their work by allowing them to provide quick and efficient treatment to all patients, whether they are paediatrics or bariatrics, even in the most challenging cases.

Another feature of the medical centre’s imaging facilities is its 1.5 Tesla Signa Voyager MRI system which was introduced in 2019. The larger bore of the MRI model allows SKSMC to accommodate a wider range of patients, particularly those who are claustrophobic.

The device reduces the in-sound pressure levels whilst requiring less scanning time. To ensure the comfort of patients, SKSMC's MRI system is equipped with an in-bore MRI screen which allow patients to view HD videos throughout the scan.

In 2019, SKSMC also became the only hospital in Klang to have a 3D mammography machine. Hologic Selenia Dimensions Digital Tomosynthesis provides radiologists with better quality 3D images and patients with a more comfortable mammography experience.

Meanwhile, the third floor of SKSMC was renovated to increase the number of outpatient clinics available so that more specialists can provide services, demonstrating a modern style, as well as a comfortable and satisfying experience for patients.

These improvements made SKSMC become Klang’s first and only hospital with special or preferred status for five major insurance companies. Additionally, the centre received accreditation from the Malaysia Society of Quality in Health as a provider of top-notch healthcare services using state-of-the-art medical technology.

With a world-class medical team and a skilled and dedicated senior management team, SKSMC continues to provide affordable, comprehensive, and high-quality specialist healthcare services.

The Healthcare Asia Awards aims to honour hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact by innovating and reinventing initiatives to better serve patients and protect employees.

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