Makati Life wins the Public-Private Healthcare Partnership award for the Philippines at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022 | Healthcare Asia Magazine
Dr. Dennis Sta. Ana, President and CEO – Makati Life Medical Center (left) and Mayor Abby Binay of the City Government of Makati (right). Taken last February 16, 2022 during the Omnibus Loan and Security Agreement Signing Ceremony.

Makati Life wins the Public-Private Healthcare Partnership award for the Philippines at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022

Makati Life Medical Center (Makati Life) is a public-private partnership joint venture between Life Nurture Incorporated (LNI), and the City Government of Makati (CGM).

Located at Malugay, Barangay Bel-Air in District 1, Makati Life is a world-class and state-of-the-art 360-bed Level 2 hospital with multiple speciality centres. 

The hospital project won the Public-Private Healthcare Partnership of the Year trophy at the Healthcare Asia Awards due to its promising construction projections and its vision to become known globally as a transformative healthcare collaboration between the local government and the private sector.

The awards programme aims to honour hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact on their patients amidst the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The P9.77B hospital will be rolled out in phases. Partial operations are expected within the first half of 2022, opening a 24/7 primary care clinic. Meanwhile, the completion of the 360-bed and 192-clinic total capacity target is expected to be achieved by Q1 2024. 

The City Government has contributed P2.77B worth of assets, whilst LifeNurture obtained a total of P7B in equity and debt funding for the project.

According to Mayor Abby Binay of Makati City, Makati Life is founded on the principle of sustainable delivery of innovative and inclusive healthcare solutions to the community.

In photo are the Makati Life Medical Center Executives – from left to right :  Jo Aguilar, SVP for Marketing/Chief Marketing Officer, Dr. Brian Cabral, SVP for Medical Affairs/Medical Director/Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Dennis Sta. Ana, President and CEO, Dr. Andrew Prieto, Chairman of the Board, Dr. Ross Ona, SVP / COO and Ms. Chaela Canlas, SVP for Support Services

Makati Life President and CEO Dennis Sta. Ana envisions the hospital to be a holistic healthcare facility focusing on three healthcare pillars: prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. It will have a fully equipped Wellness Centre, Cancer Centre, Cardiac Centre, and Rehabilitation Centre.

Moreover, its patients will have access to modern facilities and be cared for by the best doctors with a wide array of specialisations. Makati Life is designed to stay relevant and future-ready.

The hospital is also utilising the latest technologies in the treatment of patients and the analysis of data and the management of hospital resources.

Meanwhile, the proponents will ensure Makati Life is an inclusive hospital, expanding Makati City's platform for delivering the required level of treatment and care, including patients who cannot afford it, giving everyone a chance to attain a better quality of life.

Through this project, Makati Life serves to fill the need for increased capacity and improvements in the capability of healthcare facilities as the densely populated Makati City only has two major hospitals.

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