HydraFacial awarded Marketing and Communications Initiative of the year by the Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

HydraFacial awarded Marketing and Communications Initiative of the year by the Healthcare Asia Awards

The BeautyHealth Company HydraFacial (NASDAQ:SKIN) was recognised by the Healthcare Asia Awards for its Marketing initiatives throughout the region.

HydraFacial, the flagship brand of BeautyHealth, is dedicated to reinventing the consumer’s relationship with their skin and their self-confidence. HydraFacial provides a non-invasive and approachable skin health and beauty experience that can be personalised across ages, genders, skin tones, and skin types. In doing so, HydraFacial has built a powerful community of partners, a/estheticians, and consumers.

HydraFacial uses a patented Vortex-Fusion Delivery System to cleanse, peel, exfoliate, and extract, as well as infuse and hydrate the skin with proprietary solutions and super serums. The result is smooth, glowing skin in just 3 steps, 30 minutes.

HydraFacial hosted two immersive consumer experiences in Shanghai and Nanjing, introducing consumers to the benefits of a HydraFacial treatment and connecting them with providers.

During the events in China over 1,600 participants discovered the benefits of HydraFacial, and 250 treatments were administered. The advertising and consumer campaign resulted in over one million impressions, expanding the “HydraFacialNation” and building awareness and excitement in a market with high aesthetic potential.

The tour also inspired a 2-day pop-up event in Shibuya, Tokyo, where consumers experienced both HydraFacial and Keravive, a 3-step scalp treatment for healthier, fuller-looking hair. Over 6,800 visitors flooded the event, generating over 8,350 event shares on social platforms.

In December of 2021, the company launched a fully immersive Experience Centre in Shanghai, China, for “HydraFacialists” to enhance their ability to further personalise the client experience, boost their business skills, and also dive deeper into the world of HydraFacial in Asia.

The Shanghai opening was supported by an awareness campaign that reached over 3,300 participants during the two-day period. Social media buzz for the opening was just as strong, garnering more than 221,000 impressions and over 6,000 engagements.

It was efforts and results like these that went into the consideration for the Marketing & Communications Initiative of the Year from the Healthcare Asia Awards. The awards programme honours hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have made a remarkable impact on their patients, especially amidst the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In giving the award, the judging panel considered numerous achievements of the company:

  • The ability to boost awareness and increase recognition of its HydraFacial brand and treatment in major cities and key skincare markets in Asia
  • The empowerment of aesthetic providers to learn, practice, and enhance their business skills at the Experience Centre, enabling them with tools and resources for success
  • The demonstration of the treatment’s instant effects via hundreds of HydraFacial treatments on interested consumers, driving both initial trial and the desire for repeated treatments.

Global expansion through Asia is a key strategic focus for the company. “We are extremely pleased with HydraFacial’s growth in Asia,” said Indra Pamamull, President of HydraFacial APAC. “The events we designed as part of our ‘Asian world tour’ have been very successful. The success of our Shanghai Experience Centre to engage consumers, media, and influencers, as well as connect with providers and deliver training and education to a/estheticians is a model that we will replicate across Asia Pacific. Our plans include the opening of an Experience Centre in Australia, Japan, and our regional hub in Singapore."

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