TrueCare2U bags Home-care Initiative of the Year - Malaysia award at Healthcare Asia Awards 2022 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

TrueCare2U bags Home-care Initiative of the Year - Malaysia award at Healthcare Asia Awards 2022

The app will ease and increase medical accessibility for patients.

TrueCare2U takes home the Home-care Initiative of the Year - Malaysia award at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022 for its namesake application, which provides a personalised, expert and flexible home care service to individuals searching for easy and accessible medical services.

The TrueCare2U mobile app allows patients to book and schedule medical services at their homes or via teleconsultation. Home-care services include nursing procedures, physiotherapy, doctor-on-call, and breastfeeding consultations, amongst others.

This app was utilised well during the height of the pandemic, as TrueCare2U also offers a drive-thru COVID test booking service on the app to ease the anxiety of patients, allowing them to easily book, schedule, and make cashless payments whilst minimising the risk of exposure. Patients come in and are given a swab test to reduce infection and waiting time. 

Patients are also able to book home-care services on the app where patients are able to experience continuous post-hospitalisation care treatment from the comforts of their homes. The certified care providers from TrueCare2U ensures that patients have a comfortable recovery experience, with services ranging from home physiotherapy to home nursing care. 

A Home-Monitoring programme was also created at the peak of the pandemic, allowing infected patients to receive constant medical care during their home quarantine period to alleviate the overwhelming anxiety and mental burden of infected COVID-19 patients.

Leveraging on the digitised world and the current pandemic situation of movement restriction, this revolutionary mobile app is the solution to bridge the gap between the healthcare provider and patient care needs.

“This app will ease and increase medical accessibility for patients, allowing them to reach out and seek medical consultation with ease. With telemedicine, you are able to seek medical help from your home – no traffic, no hassle of parking and avoiding the risk of exposure. Patients can receive medical consultation from anywhere, at any time,” said Mazidah Umar, Executive Director of TrueCare2U.

The awards programme aims to honour hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact on their patients amidst the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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