Zimmer Biomet bags an award at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Zimmer Biomet bags an award at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards

Their trailblazing digital care app connects patients and doctors and provides a platform for data sharing throughout the episode of care. 

Zimmer Biomet is a global medical technology leader with a comprehensive musculoskeletal portfolio designed to maximise the quality of care and improve the lives of people. Zimmer Biomet’s latest app mymobility®  is breaking the way healthcare has traditionally been done. mymobility® won the Care Management Initiative of the Year at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards. 

The Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards is presented by Healthcare Asia, lauding medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recipients of the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards have pushed the medtech industry by innovating breakthrough products, solutions and initiatives to better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis.

mymobility® is a digital care management platform that connects patients with surgeons to provide each other a vast number of patient specific real time data points that lead to clinical insights. The app is a pioneering musculoskeletal digital health product that helps surgeons continuously collect and monitor objective data about their patient’s surgical preparation and recovery. mymobility® solves some of the most critical challenges faced by patients that include long waiting times, limited time during the consultation, anxiety by offering Patient education, engagement, PROMs collection, telemedicine, surgery specific physioexercises, and effortless activity tracking. 

Today surgeons only can obtain a snapshot with limited data from the patient during their clinic consultation, but with mymobility®  the surgeon can stay connected with the patient throughout the episode of care and not miss vital data to improve outcomes. 

Zimmer Biomet has developed mymobility®  and partnered with Apple Inc. to seamlessly connect mymobility®  with Apple Watch, iPhone and HealthKit. Apart from an added touchpoint, mymobility®  with Apple Watch transforms the orthopedic and musculoskeletal health experience for patients by providing care plans specific to a health issue. The app covers 6 broad clinical segments with several procedures available under each. A mymobility®  care pathway gets activated for each specific procedure or health issue, where patient education and pre-op and post-op exercises will be made available automatically for the patient. 

The care plans offered in mymobility®  include over 175 educational and instructional messages and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) that can be customised as per the surgeon’s requirements. The app also contains over 500 exercise videos that are specific to the care pathway selected with reminder notifications to increase compliance. For check-ups, mymobility®  has an encrypted telemedicine application that offers visit reminders, text messaging, image sharing, and video visits. A pain tracker that tracks patient pain and medications completes the app’s patient experience features.

Already improving the platform, Zimmer Biomethas launched a pain tracking feature that helps patients provide data associated with their pain levels throughout the episode of care. For smarter health insights, patient data is analysed in Zimmer Biomet’s Orthopedic Intelligence Platform, OrthoIntel, that connects all data gathered through the mymobility®  application. Insights are intended to help surgeons and care teams make informed decisions and optimize care. Zimmer Biomet has already started developing AI applications based on these clinical data points that will help in clinical predictions to improve patient outcomes and quality of care.

With seamless data connectivity, patient-to-doctor touchpoints and specified treatment and educational content, mymobility®  is a trailblazing digital care app that Zimmer Biomet’s competitors are already modeling their own products after. The mymobility®  app is changing the way healthcare is administered by aptly moving to a more modern platform that today’s patients need. 

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