United Imaging Healthcare bags Healthcare Asia Medtech Award | Healthcare Asia Magazine

United Imaging Healthcare bags Healthcare Asia Medtech Award

Its elevated imaging and radiotherapy machines deliver patient comfort and open great possibilities for medical applications.

United Imaging Healthcare was recognised with the Imaging Product Innovation of the Year Award at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards with its three groundbreaking products: the Total-body PET/CT uEXPLORER, the 3.0T uMR Omega, and uRT-linac 506c. United Imaging Healthcare is at the forefront of medical technology, closely working with hospitals, universities, and research institutions across the globe.

The Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards is presented by Healthcare Asia, honoring noteworthy Medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recipients are lauded for pushing the innovation of breakthrough products, solutions and initiatives that better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis. 

As a global leader in advanced medical imaging, United Imaging Healthcare launched the world’s first total-body PET/CT, the uEXPLORER. It is an ultra-high-resolution digital PET/CT with AFOV 1.94m that enables the whole body to be scanned in a one-bed position in as fast as 30 seconds, which helps dramatically reduce the patient’s exposure to radiation. Thanks to the uEXPLORER’s unprecedented speed and sensitivity, images are crisp and can be especially helpful for pediatric patients who tend to move around during the imaging procedure. With these advancements, the uEXPLORER enables a wide variety of medical applications and research like the total-body pharmacokinetics study. 

Another pioneering product in the realm of medical imaging devices is UIH’s 3.0T uMR Omega. The uMR Omega offers the world’s first 75cm, ultra-wide bore—the widest in the market. The revolutionary ultra-wide bore doesn’t just provide an unique, patient-centric experience, but also benefits MRI simulation for radiation therapy treatment planning, or even intraoperative MRI. Moreover, the uMR Omega has an industry-leading 3.5 MW gradient amplifier and impeccable image quality supported by its world-class homogeneity. Empowered by the uAIFI Technology Platform, the potential for uMR Omega is more anticipated with significant performance enhancements, more powerful imaging capabilities, better workflow, and improved user experience.

UIH’s expertise in radiotherapy equipment is on full display with the innovative medical linear accelerator (LINAC) device, uRT-linac 506c. It combines a state-of-the-art linear accelerator with a diagnostic CT imager, providing seamless workflow from simulation to treatment, helps monitor tumour changes throughout the whole process, adjusting treatment plan in time, and ensures the accurate delivery of radiotherapy. uRT-linac 506c features the One-stop RT Solution that reshapes the workflow of radiotherapy, taking only a few minutes from CT simulation to treatment delivery, opening the next generation of personalized precision radiotherapy.

Dr. Al Zhang, Chairman and CEO of United Imaging Healthcare, applauded this nomination: “We are honored to see our three sophisticated products win technology innovation awards. This nomination is a great testimony of our product innovation path. We will continue carrying on our passion for change brand ethos and our commitment to technology innovation, keep pushing the limits, make more breakthroughs, so we can make our contribution in helping to transform the future of healthcare.”

Dr. Jusong Xia, President of International Business at United Imaging Healthcare, added, “Asia-Pacific region always plays a pivotal role in the global medical imaging market. We are glad our innovations are now serving many clinicians and patients here in the region and across the world. As of now, we have set up our local teams in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc. We will continue to invest more resources to strengthen our regional capacity and capabilities to better serve more clinicians and patients. We believe this award is an endorsement of UIH’s vision of leading healthcare innovation, and will accelerate us to fulfill our mission of bringing equal healthcare for all.”

UIH continues to push for innovation in medical technology and research by collaborating with world-renowned clinical and scientific research institutions like Yale University, Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Texas, to name a few. Since its establishment in 2011, UIH has grown worldwide with subsidiaries and R&D centers across China, the United States, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, etc. , serving more than 8,700 medical and research institutes in 44 countries worldwide. So far, UIH has since launched over 70 groundbreaking products, with core technologies developed in-house and are globally or nationally recognised for world-leading performance.

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