Micro stents, macro efficiency: How a tiny device helps preserve vision | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Micro stents, macro efficiency: How a tiny device helps preserve vision

Glaukos Corporation’s iStent inject W helps preserve vision by addressing high eye pressure. 

Glaucoma, a chronic disease that damages the optic nerve, has been recognised as the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness for many. It has been a growing problem for many adults, especially those of old age. 

Moreover, many forms of the condition have no warning signs and its effects are very gradual, and only become apparent once it is in its advanced stages.

In this stead, Glaukos Corporation has been actively developing new technologies to treat glaucoma. Amongst its latest and most innovative technologies is the iStent inject W, one of the smallest devices known to be implanted in the human body.

Measuring 360 μm, the tiny innovation helps to preserve vision. The iStent inject W is designed to lower eye pressure and may allow patients to reduce or eliminate their medication burden (at the discretion of an eye care professional), thus improving quality of life.

With iStent inject W, two stents are implanted via a micro-invasive surgical approach into the trabecular meshwork, the main source of resistance for eye fluid outflow, thereby creating two patent bypasses that re-establish the eye’s natural outflow pathway. 

The device is engineered to provide an enhanced surgical experience and ensure confident delivery, for every procedure. Its system comprises two heparin-coated, non-ferromagnetic titanium stents preloaded into an insertion system that allows the surgeon to precisely implant stents in a click-and-release motion into two trabecular meshwork locations through a single corneal entry point. 

The wide flange stent optimises stent visualisation and placement, enhances procedural predictability, and increases peace of mind for the surgeon.

At the same time, the procedure does not remove ocular tissues; thus, it maintains the anatomy for future glaucoma treatments. It can be performed as a day surgery in an ophthalmic surgical setting in conjunction with cataract surgery (through the same micro-incision) or without. 

iStent technologies are backed by over 200 peer-reviewed publications, the most robust, diverse, and longest-term body of clinical evidence for any Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) procedure available today, driven through clinical rigour and integrity.

Glaukos’ breakthrough has been recognised when it won the Glaucoma Product Innovation of the Year - Singapore during the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2022 for the iStent inject W. The awards programme aims to recognise medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, innovating breakthrough products, solutions and initiatives to better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis.

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