Healthcare Asia is ready to partner with you | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Healthcare Asia is ready to partner with you

With our offerings, your business is sure to relay the right message to the right audience.

Healthcare Asia is one of Asia’s top publications on the business of healthcare. Carrying both digital and print titles, Healthcare Asia’s wide reach and extensive network can help brands get their message across the region.

Get the ins and outs of the healthcare business by partnering with us to get your brands’ message across with our variety of solutions such as content marketing lead generation, digital events, podcasts and more.


Digital Events

Talk to the right audience on the right platform. Allow us to help you organise your next successful webinar or virtual conference.

Brand Marketing

  • Full-Page, Full-Colour Ad

Reap the best results from the most impactful print advertising format. With a full-page advertisement, you can capture your target market’s attention by its sheer size whilst evoking the right emotions through colour. The tactile experience of print can magnify your brand’s voice and make it real to your audience.

  • Banner Ad

As businesses move toward a more digital environment, banner ads have become one of the key tactics to connect and build relationships with businesses. Our digital advertising specialists have the depth of online advertising expertise to target the right audiences in the right places and ensure your business’ growth.

Content Marketing Creation and Distribution

  • Thought Leadership Center

Putting a name to a brand gives it a human voice, amplifies values, and reinforces trust amongst your stakeholders. As a bonus, sharing your expertise through insightful perspectives builds you as a global business leader within the right community.

  • Advertorials

Use advertorials to tell a story and enable your audience to know your products and services on a deeper level. Whatever format you choose—be it a case study, white paper, or CEO interview—you can be sure your words will drive straight to your market’s heart.


Podcasts have changed the way the public consumes content. Through this medium, listeners can passively learn without needing to give their full attention. Reach out to them and give new, valuable insights, whilst informing them about your products and offerings.

Lead Generation

  • Whitepaper Download

What better way to give back to your market than by addressing today's problems with your solutions explained in-depth through a whitepaper? Potential leads will download it through a sign-up sheet, which will automatically be forwarded out to you and your salespeople can do the follow-up.

  • eDM Blast

Healthcare Asia’s contact database is composed of interested and engaged audience members. Utilise this to deliver your message to the right people. 

Awards Programmes

Each year, Healthcare Asia hosts a number of awards to recognise the best of the best in Asia’s healthcare industry. Prestigious awards organised by Healthcare Asia include:

  • Healthcare Asia Awards
    • The Healthcare Asia Awards is a prestigious awards programme that honours hospitals and clinics that rise above challenges and recognises initiatives that made a remarkable and positive impact to their patients and the healthcare industry. 
  • Healthcare Asia Pharma Awards
    • The Healthcare Asia Pharma Awards is an initiative to honour and crown the best of the best pharmaceutical companies in Asia with the most innovative and unique initiatives that enhanced their company's business.
  • Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards
    • The Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2022 aims to recognise medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles and have certainly pushed further to innovate breakthrough products, solutions and initiatives to better serve their customers.


Becoming a sponsor of these awards will not only be an affirmation of excellence, but also a business opportunity. As an established award-giving body, sponsoring the Healthcare Asia Awards will boost your company's stature as a leader in your industry. You may use the official awards logo for your products, ads, marketing collateral, social media, and website and be featured in the Healthcare Asia magazine. Talk to us about becoming involved as a partner to position your company alongside top leaders in the healthcare industry.

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