Global Doctors Hospital’s top-notch services draw both locals and expats alike   | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Global Doctors Hospital’s top-notch services draw both locals and expats alike  

The facility nimbly navigated the pandemic to ensure uninterrupted care for its clients.

Global Doctors Hospital has long been the preferred secondary healthcare provider for both local and expatriate patients in Kuala Lumpur. Nestled in the heart of the city’s Mont’ Kiara township, Global Doctors offers holistic and sustainable care through its multidisciplinary team of healthcare experts. 

The facility is home to locally-renowned specialists from various fields, including obstetrics and gynaecology, dermatology, orthopaedics, general surgery, spine surgery, vascular surgery, otorhinolaryngology (ENT), ophthalmology, paediatric care, and mental health. Global Doctors Hospital also features an in-house dental clinic, geriatric day-care, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and allergy laboratory, making the hospital a one-stop-centre for its patients and loyal clients.

The hospital is committed to promoting the well-being of its patients, and personalised care is provided by its team of well-respected and highly reputable doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. 

Providing global and accessible care

The hospital’s core philosophy of care is embodied in its motto, ‘Global in Reach, Local in Care.’ Due to its strategic location, Global Doctors Hospital attracts a large number of expatriate clientele. In particular, it is the healthcare provider of choice for patients from the Pacific Islands, who seek treatment in Malaysia. Since 2019, Global Doctors Hospital has been catering to expatriate patients through its Overseas Medical Referral Network, which provides healthcare services primarily to patients from the Republic of Nauru.

Global Doctors Hospital is also committed to making healthcare services accessible for all. Under its Global Doctors Kasih program, the hospital provides affordable diagnostics and imaging services such as MRIs, CT scans, mammograms, and x-rays at subsidized rates for foreign workers. It also provides complimentary radiology services for almost 280 refugees and asylum seekers registered under United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees under the Global Doctors-UNHCR Medical Care Centre partnership that was launched in March 2020.

Overcoming the pandemic

To ensure uninterrupted care for its patients, the hospital acted swiftly to restructure its services as the COVID-19 pandemic raged in 2020. As early as the second week of March 2020, Global Doctors Hospital began to offer a COVID-19 Drive-Thru PCR Sample Collection with the support of our pathology laboratory partner, Gribbles. This pioneering initiative was the first ever offered in Klang Valley, and probably the first service of its kind across Malaysia.

By allowing patients to be tested in the comfort of their own cars, the initiative vastly reduced the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and minimized patients’ fear of getting tested for Covid-19. While other secondary healthcare providers were greatly affected by the pandemic, Global Doctors Hospital was able to maintain patient flow because patients had the confidence to continue seeking medical care even at the height of the pandemic. 

Global Doctors Hospital also immediately began to offer telemedicine consultations to its patients. In particular, it launched remote mental health counselling services for patients who are at risk and susceptible during the pandemic. By quickly adapting to the new normal, the hospital was able to ensure that all of its patients had access to necessary healthcare services and treatments at all times. 

For its efforts in ensuring continuity and accessibility of care, Global Doctors Hospital was recognized as the Secondary Hospital of the Year - Malaysia at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2021. 

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