ManilaMed bags two awards at Healthcare Asia Awards 2020 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

ManilaMed bags two awards at Healthcare Asia Awards 2020

The hospital was lauded for their healthcare delivery and campaign on urban health issues.

ManilaMed is a premier medical institution founded in 1967 situated in the City of Manila—a leading medical facility with both the medical expertise and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, as well as an advocate, expert, and thought leader when it comes to urban health. The hospital is committed to providing the best possible treatment outcomes to patients through an exceptional level of commitment for compassionate, expert healthcare.

Their efforts to augment patient experience from admission to discharge and their response to surrounding urban health concerns earned them the Service Delivery Innovation Initiative of the Year and the Marketing Initiative of the Year Awards, respectively, during the recently concluded Healthcare Asia Awards.

Service Delivery Innovation of the Year
Grounded on identifying patient needs and providing a holistic solution to enhance overall patient experience, ManilaMed constantly takes every available opportunity to improve process efficiency without neglecting delivery of a higher level of service to their patients.

Patient admission to discharge is a straightforward process; however, if there is no careful management, it can result in service delays as well as poor patient experience, especially when there is high volume of incoming patients.

As a response, ManilaMed implemented the Bedside Admission to Bedside Discharge Project, which supplies immediate care and assistance to patients, thanks to a quicker transaction procedure upon admission.

The project requires admitting staff, doctors, and medical secretaries to process all necessary transactions and accomplish all paperwork with the vital patient information beforehand, so that when patients and their relatives arrive, they can just proceed in their respective rooms and stay hassle-free from the public area. Upon discharge, final billing and other documents are processed by customer service professionals to relieve patients and relatives from the aggravation of the whole discharge procedure.

The Bedside Admission to Bedside Discharge project has been cascaded to hospitals within the Mount Grace Hospital network and for implementation in the group’s medical institutions.

Marketing Initiative of the Year
The hospital’s Marketing and Corporate Communications Team, on the other hand, developed the #FeelBetter campaign. Taking advantage of available platforms to instigate public clamor to expose illnesses and diseases brought by Manila’s urbanization, ManilaMed established the Urban Health Media Forum (ManilaMed Healthline) and produced relevant content, including health-related photo posts, segment and demo videos. They also published informative articles and began to engage individuals in lay forum, wellness talks, radio sessions and press briefings.

Strategically placing itself as a thought leader in urban health, the hospital’s communication efforts across public relations to digital channels have contributed in the construction of a solid community that firmly believes their commitment to making more patients feel better.

In August 2019, the International Association of Business Communicators Philippines acknowledged the #FeelBetter campaign with the Award of Excellence for Marketing, Advertising and Brand Communication during the 17th Philippine Quill Awards.

The esteemed awards programme honours the most trustworthy local organizations and corporations who have utilized outstanding communication to realize business goals and to make an impact in society.

With clear-cut recognition that highlights their growing power in communication, ManilaMed plans to continuously improve their communication strategies and supplement the management of their social media assets, so they can positively impact society while putting a premium on patient experience.

The Healthcare Asia Awards 2020 was held virtually on 14-17 April 2020.

This year's nominations were judged by Chris Hardesty, Director, Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice, KPMG; Abhay Bangi, Partner, Life Sciences & Healthcare Lead, Ernst & Young; Tan Boon Kai, Partner, Audit & Assurance, BDO LLP; Mairin Reid, Director, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Deloitte.

If you would like to join the 2021 awards and be awarded as one of the most outstanding healthcare companies in the region, please email Julie Anne Nuñez at [email protected] 

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