Can laser technologies melt Taiwan's aging population woes away? | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Taiwan

Can laser technologies melt Taiwan's aging population woes away?

Transverse’s wide range of products could alleviate optical and joint problems.

Taiwanese manufacturer Transverse is leveraging on the vast potential of laser technologies to resolve a wide range of illnesses, from optical to mobility problems, that's steadily plaguing the island nation’s rapidly ageing population.

Taiwan’s elderly demographic exceeded that of the number of youths early last year, as the national ageing index surged over 100 to stand at 100.18 for the first time. The index refers to the number of people aged 65 and over per 100 youths under the age of 15. According to Ministry of the Interior data, the silver demographic accounted for roughly 13.33% of the national population with indicies in three out of six major cities namely Taipei, Tainan, and Kaohsiung already breaching the 100 mark.

As part of the private sector's collective effort to alleviate the impact of an ageing population, Traverse is concentrating in purifying its laser technologies in an effort to treat the various medical and healthcare problems weighing in on the region’s declining workforce.

For instance, the company produces high-power and low-power lasers that can be used for the treatment of eye diseases and re-attachment of diseased retinas. Laser technologies are also able to pinpoint diseased cells more accurately, making it more ideal for pain management. Compare this with ingesting medicine on a daily basis or surgical methods to relieve pain, non-invasive processes like laser technologies have the potential to significantly accelerate the healing process as it hastens repair at the tissue level.

Photobiostimulation or the process of using cold lasers with low level powers will not inflict damage on a cellular, tissue and molecular level, according to Joseph Huang of Ming Chun University.

So far, Taiwan University Hospital, Tang Kun University Hospital and smaller GP clinics make use of Transverse’s wound management machines, he added.

Transverse, alongside the island nation’s leading healthcare solution providers, will showcase their various products and service offerings at Medicare Taiwan: Taiwan International Medical & Healthcare Exhibition which will take place from June 21 to 24 at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. 

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